Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i promise to be better... at blogging.

Well the good news is that i found my blog again! It had been such a long time i forgot where is was.

Mission Update: I have my plane ticket for Ecuador I leave Feb. 6th till May 4th. It's so close I can't wait! I am almost done with raising my funds. I still have a few things that i need to get before I go, like getting international health insurance and bed sheets! I am most worried about my Spanish as time ticks. So please pray that by the grace of God my Spanish will be good enough to communicate with actual humans.

Shockingly when I return from Ecuador I will work at CPBC for the summer and then move back to IL in Aug.

sorry that is is so quick but i wanted to post something.


The Daintys said...

how exciting! i knew if we just kept checking you would eventually give us an update! :) hope you have a blessed Christmas Megan!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Megan! I hope you give more updates once you are in Ecuador if you have internet access.